This is a project i'm currently working on.
This will cover the time between 16/11-2014 - 16/12 - 2014.
I will add one painting per day for 30 days covering 30 years in space, starting on Year 3016. The paintings will contain one spaceship and one planet.
Hope you like it.
fredag 28 november 2014
Year 3028 by the Earth Calendar:
Unknown huge spaceships getting close. Who are they?
torsdag 27 november 2014
Year 3027 by the Earth Calendar:
Trying to enter abandoned ship.
onsdag 26 november 2014
Year 3026 by the Earth Calendar:
Cammand deck
tisdag 25 november 2014
Year 3025 by the Earth Calendar:
Battle-testing new ships.
måndag 24 november 2014
Year 3024 by the Earth Calendar:
First time for humans to land. Expedition searching for good signs.
söndag 23 november 2014
Year 3023 by the Earth Calendar:
Expedition getting closer. Third science-drone sent to gather information
Year 3022 by the Earth Calendar:
Expedition to new planet has arrived. What will they find?
fredag 21 november 2014
Year 3021 by the Earth Calendar:
Explorer searching for life.
torsdag 20 november 2014
Year 3020 by the Earth Calendar:
Sleeping in mysterious pod in deep space
onsdag 19 november 2014
Year 3019 by the Earth Calendar:
First attempt to harvest solar power directly from a star.
tisdag 18 november 2014
Year 3018 by the Earth Calendar:
Surviors from a now unhabitable planet, hopes to survive in space.
måndag 17 november 2014
Year 3017 by the Earth Calendar:
Maintenance and repairs in uncharted space.
Alone and far from home, wherever that is.
söndag 16 november 2014
Year 3016 by the Earth Calendar:
A spaceship is entering orbit, an unknown man is entering his shuttle.
Everything is quiet.